advertising spy tools

Advertising Spy Tools

This is list of my favorite advertising spy tools!

This concept involves generating income by emulating the strategies that successful advertisers already use to make money through advertising.

These tools tells you which of your competitors are running ads and on which websites or publishers they appear.

You can see which ads are running successfully and which websites are performing the best, helping you save a lot of time and money determining what works best.

Your task is simply to replicate their success!

Read here  how to become profitable advertiser.

Best Tools for Online Advertising

#1 Anstrex native advertising spy tool

anstrex native

Unlock the secrets of native advertising. Build winning campaigns today by spying on your competition. Get more for your advertising spend. Save countless hours on research. More data than any other spy tool. Rapidly build awesome landing pages. Get Stated Risk FREE Trial here >

#2 Anstrex push advertising spy tool

anstrex push

Find out what works in push advertising. Spy on top advertisers currently dominating push notification ads. More data than any other tool. Entire campaigns at your fingertips. Visibility into CPC bids and history!! Access to cloaked pages made easy. Get Stated Risk FREE Trial here >

#3 Anstrex pop advertising spy tool


Closely Guarded Secrets of Pop Advertising Revealed. Massively Scale Your Next Pop Advertising Campaign With Anstrex Pop Spy Tool. Get Access To Hidden Successful Campaigns. Accurate Campaigns Revealed Via Real Mobile Devices. Both Android & Windows Pop Ads Available and much more...  Get Stated Risk FREE Trial here >

#4 PowerAdSpy spy tool


Unlock the secrets of profitable Facebook advertising campaigns by spying on your competition. A virtual goldmine for the performance & affiliate marketers our spy tool is super charging their ROI. PowerAdSpy lets you find the exact data that you want. No other tool comes even close... Get Stated Risk FREE Trial here >

Top-Rated click tracking tool


So what exactly can I track and optimize with ClickMagick?

Unlike some other platforms that are only for Shopify stores, or only for Facebook ads, with ClickMagick you can literally track and optimize everything that you do online.

You can track any traffic source. You can track your social media activity. You can track your emails ...

And you can even track actions on your own site — for example a user clicking a specific button on a page.

Not only that, but you can also optimize for any action or conversion that you want.

For example, most of our competitors only allow you to send your sales conversions back to your ad networks ...

But with ClickMagick you can optimize for sales, opt-ins, or anything else you can dream up.

PPC Keyword research tools - get great ideas for keyword to target


SpyFu exposes the search marketing secret formula of your most successful competitors. Search for any domain and see every place they've shown up on Google: every keyword they've bought on Google Ads, every organic rank, and every ad variation in the last 15 years. Learn how to connect with these domains, too. Find online and traditional leads methods - social media, email, phone, and address - you can't find anywhere else. Unlimited SEO & PPC Data... Try Spy Fu Today, Risk FREE >


Find long tail keywords with low SEO difficulty. Timing is the key to keyword analysis! Create content based on historical search volumes and long-term trends. Identify seasonal keywords and hot topics 🌶️ that will boost the organic traffic of your website... Start 10 day FREE Trial here >

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Disclaimer: This page contains affiliate links where I may receive a small commission for at no cost to you if you choose to purchase a plan from a link on this page. However, these are merely the tools I fully recommend. You can read my full affiliate disclosure in my Privacy Policy.